One of the key Cognis differentiators is our understanding of business: financials, accounting, strategy, sales. Helping us help our customers – numerous times. Here are a few examples.
1.When PR is more than just an announcement
A client recently released a PR outlining their quarterly results. Unfortunately, their PR agency did not have the know-how to interpret the results. The company contacted Cognis to fix this situation. Using our financial background, we analyzed the Q1 results and conveyed the narrative on social media.
Communicating something as crucial as the financial results of a publicly-traded company can significantly affect the stock price. A marketing agency that understands this is a big asset.
2.When sitting at the corporate
Sitting at company meetings discussing future growth strategies, we often leveraged our business acumen to highlight flaws, oversights, and best of all – previously overlooked benefits of the Company’s offerings. A common example: a Company’s goal/deck/business plan is feasible but fails to take into account the resources required to accomplish the end game; such as costs, time, and human resources.
3.We are not afraid of statistics
A customer needed to map their potential market, including small and mid-sized US business consulting firms. Commercial reports address only the top consulting companies. What did we do? We rolled our sleeves and proceeded to mine the US Census Bureau, supplying our customer with primary data that nobody else had: a clear edge with investors, analysts, and of course – over competitors.
4.A strategic point of view
A real challenge for startups is aligning their growth vision with their financials and Go-to-Market. You wouldn’t think your marketing agency can help with this problem, but in fact, we have helped dozens of customers do just that. We are experienced jugglers of roadmaps and financials until they are fully aligned, and creating a marketing plan that supports them.
Knowing how to read financial plans is indispensable. Experience in budgeting the business comes in handy, so does knowledge in expanding your headcount. Formally, this is outside the realm of marketers. In startup practice, this is where we shine.
At Cognis, marketing is in our blood but economics is our passion. Together we provide a unique service that generates exceptional results.